could be anything. might be nothing. might make you think. could make you wish I would stop.
breathe people...everything is easier when you breathe!


strike while the iron is hot

Day 16
A painful memory...

it started out a regular day
with wrinkles
on my face
from sleeping hard against the softness of the pillow
i found that creases deep adorned the dress
i had forgotten to prepare
the night before
when dreams began to beckon
or mom
with bellows sweet
issued the lights out call
that teenagers all
with passion hate
i felt the panic
on that morn
of being unprepared
so quickly pressed I on
and on and on
a never ending circle of cotton
standing between me and my bagel
i rushed
and made it just
as papa honked the horn
the pasted smile upon my face
a portrait of relief
more than happiness
we made our blessed destination
just on time
you can't be late for God you know
i sighed and thought about my lunch
and wondered bout a nap
but mostly just was glad to not be rushed

this boring tale you think is told
except the part that brings the pain
and this is where it really does pick up
that girl in all her hurry
quite forgot that neatness counts
and later when reminded 
to please refile the elements of her domesticity
she reached in haste
not for the handle but the metal face
and melted skin
against the heat of iron
still plugged in

a lesson learned in pain is never ever soon forgot
contrary to the oft repeated proverb
no matter what the hurry
always think before you act
and never...ever...strike while the iron is hot

Bye folks! See you tomorrow!

Join all my drawing comrades...for the next exciting episode of....


Our other participants:

Don Hillson

Niki Nowell
Bill Davis
Notes From The Backseat
Niki Turner [NEW!]
Zoe Nowell [NEW!]
Marilyn Quinsaat [posting on Facebook]
Kimmy Haines [posting on Facebook]
Karen Haines (no url provided; will update)


the worst punishment

Today is day 15.
I messed up and forgot to put in a day when I had the olympic extravaganza of drawing ketchup marathon.
that forgotten day was supposed to be "my worst punishment."
I thought and thought.
My child finally helped me remember.
Here it is...
I call it...
Notice how all other food pales in comparison.
Smell the putridicity.
I throw up a little in my mouth just thinking about it.
The food that shall not be named. Or spoken of. Or smelled.

My worst have to eat them. I would brave hours of sitting and looking and smelling.
I was a stubborn little bugger.
They will never pass my lips again.
I swear it.
That is all.

Look back a post and see all the other beautiful drawers in this challenge.
Draw-ers as in artists...not drawers as in knickers.


Let's hear it for long weekends!! Woo to the Hooooo!

I do not know posting etiquette.
Is it ok to post a million things in one day? Is it more obnoxious to post a million images to one post so it takes a bazillion seconds to load? What happens if I eat cheese really fast? Do owls have to make that obnoxious whooing sound every five seconds?
If you wear spanx and you pass gas will your sinuses explode?

You see, I am nothing if not a perplexing ball of questions with no answers.
I shall now attempt to compensate for my lack by showing you some pretty pictures...
I do hope that the loading time on this post has not caused your crevices to grow fused.

ok. First on the docket, Day 8 amusement park.
I am no designer. This is the lamest amusement park I have ever seen. the kiddies will be whining. Shoot, the husband will be whining. Run. Run from Fun World. Go get icecream and try to forget.
told ya.

Next up- Day 9 Spirit Animal
All I could think of was this...(cover your ears)
Which leads me directly to Day 10 and my hometown memory.
I was in the band. I played clarinet. We made posters. We guessed it...The BEARS!
And we had spirit.

I am flipping day 12 and day 11. Day 12 is a picture of what I wanted to be when I grew up. I drew me now cuz I am livin' the dream baby.
This is what my van would look like if I had one of those sticker thingys on the back. You would see my husband who actually has a goatee but for some reason my imagination store did not offer that option. You see me holding his had because we are in luv. Notice my birkenstocks. My daughter makes cakes and other yummies in her own bakery. My son has a fierce fro and wishes he had a laptop but since he does not spends all his free time gaming on a machine he built himself. My next son reads...a...lot. My next son is obsessed with bird watching...and with leaping around to get attention in silly ways (but never at the same time). And my baby girl is the princess with lots of interests but who cares when you are. the. princess. The other two creatures are dogs, not cats. We don't do cats. Just stupid looking dogs. Our real dogs are pretty.
got it?
So, day 11 would have me give my last request if the world were ending. My last request would be that it would end at my house first. my heart could not take it any other way.
I choose to joke. But I am very serious.

Day 13 is a photo of my favorite mythical creature. I took this just outside the window of my luxury shack on the beach on my private island. All mythical creatures live here in peace as we run a sanctuary for imaginary friends and all things misunderstood by the educated masses. We encourage quirkery here folks. Relax and enjoy yourselves.
If you do not know what this is I will most assuredly wonder for your mental health.

Lastly, day 14 brings with it my favorite fish. Koi? Walleye?
I choose Charlie.
I always felt a little bad for him. Such rejection. yet he kept on swimming.
(Did I just mix a fishing metaphor?)

I bet Don Hillson that I would be caught up today or lose my toenail.
No discount on my next pedicure thankyouverymuch!

I will try to be better about keeping current.

Bye folks! See you tomorrow!

Join all my drawing comrades...for the next exciting episode of....


Our other participants:

Don Hillson

Niki Nowell
Bill Davis
Notes From The Backseat
Niki Turner [NEW!]
Zoe Nowell [NEW!]
Marilyn Quinsaat [posting on Facebook]
Kimmy Haines [posting on Facebook]
Karen Haines (no url provided; will update)


guessing games

ok people,
I am going away for the weekend.
Since I find it challenging to set the timer on my oven I am not going to attempt to set the timer on this post thingy to have this all posted automatically in my absence.
You will just have to enjoy a few days at once.
Try not to despair.

First, I will have to catch up just a little.
Day 4 is a secret about yourself.
My secret...
I love musicals. Showtunes. MGM in the golden years. consider this a tribute to all random breaking into song that pleases me so. (except Les Mis....not pleasurable at all)
I call, you guess. 

Day 5
My favorite movie.
No contest.
My favorite movie of all time. I wish I was a painter and could do the moon scene proper justice.
As it is, this is colored pencil and quite elementary. Still, you get the drift.
If you don't...well...I worry about you.

Day 6

My favorite drink.
I really only drink one thing.
Water. Boring old delicious water. Sometimes, if I am feeling very daring, I put in some lemon.

Day 7

My favorite bird.
It is a turkey. Can you tell?

Now you can enjoy your weekend! I know I will enjoy mine.
See you all on Monday!!!

Join all my drawing comrades...for the next exciting episode of....


Our other participants:

Don Hillson

Niki Nowell
Bill Davis
Notes From The Backseat
Niki Turner [NEW!]
Zoe Nowell [NEW!]
Marilyn Quinsaat [posting on Facebook]
Kimmy Haines [posting on Facebook]
Karen Haines (no url provided; will update)


that's just how we roll

first wheels. that is the subject for the drawing challenge today.

My first driving wheels came in the form of a cute little red '79 Honda civic. She was a beauty. So tiny I could sit in the drivers seat and stretch out my arm and touch the passenger door without even straining. I would still be driving that car if not for stinky parents that felt it unsafe for me to take (over the Rocky Mountains) to college. Sigh.

My first bike...banana seat, high curved handle bars, streamers on the grips...stylin.

Going first skates were metal and strapped onto my tenny-shoes. They made a ching ching ching sound as I walk-skated down the sidewalk.
Hit a rock and instant faceplant.
Those were the days.

I decided to reach into the way back for my very first wheels. These little people know how to roll.

Not to brag or anything but I had a camper and a motorcycle too.
Be jealous.

This is day three of the challenge.

 Join all my drawing comrades...for the next exciting episode of....


Our other participants:

Don Hillson

Niki Nowell
Bill Davis
Notes From The Backseat
Niki Turner [NEW!]
Zoe Nowell [NEW!]
Marilyn Quinsaat [posting on Facebook]
Kimmy Haines [posting on Facebook]
Karen Haines (no url provided; will update)


keep your eye on the ball

Day two of the drawing challenge.
My favorite sport.
I am just going to assume that reading does not count in the category.
I chose to draw my "favorite" sport from my childhood perspective.
Encouraged to keep my eye on the ball, I concentrated on that sphere to the exclusion of all else.
I became one...with the ball.
I still suspect that stupid little cowhide was out to get me.

I once wrote a story describing my beautiful memories on the ball field.
click the link and rekindle all your nerd-loving tendencies. the story to know why I  title this piece...

Keep your eye on the ball  

 Perspective is a powerful thing.

Join all my drawing comrades...for the next exciting episode of....

Our other participants: click their names to see their work
Don Hillson

Niki Nowell
Bill Davis
Notes From The Backseat
Marilyn Quinsaat [posting on Facebook]
Kimmy Haines [posting on Facebook]

Karen Haines (no url provided; will update)

See you tomorrow!!


have a little choc'lit Jesus

I am participating in a drawing challenge this month. One drawing per day.
So, for the next 30 days you will have the opportunity to be both amazed at my word wit AND awed by my artistic the same time!
I know.
It is almost too good to be true.

Today we start with Muppet.
My drawing challenge co-participant/ leader has defined it as: those characters from Sesame Street...or the Muppet Show...or there bouts. (paraphrase mine)
People in animal costume? I say yes.

At first I panicked thinking I could not meet the challenge. Then I relaxed when I remembered that I already had a drawing prepared.
Technically that is cheating. But who's to know, right?

I call this...
Just a little choc'lit Jesus*

It pretty much sums up how I feel about Easter.

I do want to say here that this is in no way meant to insult or degrade Jesus and His resurrection. I am very much a believer in that.

This is just a picture commentary on new dresses, candied rabbit poo, babies shoving each other out of the way for prizes, and every dag-blamed plastic easter trinket I have had to pitch to the landfill.

I could talk about commercialization, pagan rituals, compartmentalizing our life with God, systematically poisoning our children through socially acceptable cult-style brainwashing, the evils of that psychedelic easter grass...
or we could just look at the picture and be horrified as satirical waves wash over us again and again and again. 

One brilliant friend of mine described easter egg hunts as "hunger games for the kiddies".
(that would be a beautiful drawing in and of itself)

easter. just one more of those grin and bear it things that make me wish for a yurt.

*for those confused by the title "Just a little choc'lit Jesus"...

there is a song that they sing in the church of my youth.the words go like this...

Now let us have a little talk with Jesus
Let us tell him all about our troubles
He will hear our faintest cry
And he will answer by and by
When you feel a little painful yearning
and your heart unto heaven is turning
You can have a little talk with Jesus
Makes it right.

To a child...havin a little choc'lit Jesus sounds like THE best thing you could possibly imagine.
Plus, once you have heard the alternative lyrics, you can never, ever sing the song the correct way again.

Not every day of this challenge can be filled with such uplifting commentary. But I will try.
I know that excites you.

Join all my drawing comrades...for the next exciting episode of....

Our other participants: click their names to see their work
Don Hillson

Niki Nowell
Bill Davis
Notes From The Backseat
Marilyn Quinsaat [posting on Facebook]
Kimmy Haines [posting on Facebook]
Karen Haines
(no url provided; will update)

See you tomorrow!!