could be anything. might be nothing. might make you think. could make you wish I would stop.
breathe people...everything is easier when you breathe!


30 day people challenge - best friend of yore

I am not a person who has "best" friends. I like different people for different reasons and aside from my sister and my husband and my daughter, my friends are all "just" friends.
Or, they are all best friends.
Depends on my mood, their mood, topic at hand or amount of sugar filled goodness being offered.
I guess you could say I am non-committal but I prefer to think of it as opportunistic.
Bribe me people. "Best" is totally up for grabs.

If I really had to put boundaries on the best friend category, those walls would encircle... authenticity.
I wanted to say that comfort is my first priority in a best friend but then I started thinking about my besties and comfort flew out the window.
My friends know how to poke the bear.
There are times when I am with my friends and I squirm as the real me comes out. Often, the real me explodes out because my best friend asked just the right question or snort laughed at my sincerely shallow commentary.
Best friends know how to twist the knife in love.
Best friends not only have the ammo, they know exactly where the target is.
Best friends are not afraid to help me be the real me because they see me.
Even when I don't.
My best friends see and hear the parts of me that I quite carefully tuck away from public view. They get to go beyond the velvet ropes and read the journal pages that the everyday folk just get to shuffle past as they tour my personal Museum of Antiquities and Antics.
Best friends have power and have proven that they know how to use their powers for good.

It seems that my best friends are the ones that can hurt me the most. That is true. But they are also the ones that can bring the most healing, the most protection, the most life.
Best friends know the words that you can hear and they know how to say them when you can hear them.
Best friends know how to keep their mouths shut in those moments when you just need a warm body to take up space next to you in your spiraling universe.
Best friends completely understand how much you hate them when they speak the truth.
Best friends know how to hold truth tightly and honorably when you speak yours.

It must be said that best friends totally screw things up once in awhile. Yes, it must be said.
Still, the best of the best friends make their way through the ick. Sometimes repeatedly.

Ultimately, best friends are best called because they are authentic in the giving and receiving of life and love. No shenanigans.

I am happy to have a list of  "best" friends. (past, present, and future)

Shanon, Kelly, Janet, Chaniel, Denise, Robin, Leanne, Donna, Sonja, Kristi, Kathy, Shari, Becki, Laurie, Cindy, Pam, Marlys, Niki, Andi, Kendall, know who you are. (but you're probably not reading cuz that's how we roll. :-)

Love to you all.

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